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Open-field cultivation

In our gardens we only grow so-called kitchen plants and spices. All cultivation is done without any use of chemicals or artificial fertilizers. Our plants are fertilized only with natural composted cow, horse or chicken manure. If necessary, we use organic plant protection to protect our plants. In addition, our own bumblebees and our neighbours bees help to pollinate all plants and thus contribute to viable and fine produce that we can harvest. Our garden patch and potato patch cover about 1.5 hectares, and this is where we grow several cabbage varieties, onion varieties, strawberries, beets, peas, etc. In the potatoe patch we grow varieties such as Sava, SapoMira, Satina, Asterix and Mandel.


Our smaller greenhouses

In our small greenhouses we will have some plants for sale during may and june. We have no flower plants only kitchen and spice plants. Most popular are all our tomato varieties, which this year are more than fifty. Also herbs and chilipepper plants will be for sale. During the summer we grow a variety of exciting plants in there that you can look at and get more information about, there will be bell peppers, chili, pepino and eggplants etc.

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